Platinum Star


Platinum Star : (1,50,000 above)

Note : Amount less than 1,50,000 will not be considered / Refunded.


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SAP India:

Contributions made to the SAP are voluntary and are non-refundable.

1. To conduct scientific EMS conferences
2. For prehospital research & developments.
3. Supporting the families of EMTs & Paramedics, who lost their life on duty.
4. To support poor students for higher study in EMS field.
5. To recognize & rewarding outstanding emergency care professionals.

Donation Program:

Contributors to the SAP India are recognized at the following levels:

a. Platinum Star: ₹ 1,50,000 above
b. Diamond Star : ₹ 1,00,000 - 1,50,000
c. Gold Star: ₹ 50,000 - ₹ 1,00,000
d. Silver Star: ₹ 20,000 - ₹ 50,000
e. Bronze Star: ₹ 1,000 - ₹ 10,000

Your donation to SAP India will help EMS practitioners(Medics) who make a
difference every day to the patients and communities they serve in India